About Us

The core of humanity lies in the ability to empathize with others and help them when they are in need of it. Our world is filled with numerous people, each undergoing various phases in life. Some may be fortunate and living without much reason for worry, while others could be presented with rather unfortunate circumstances. It is in such times of dire need when people must unite and help rid one another of their burdens and accompany each other in their journeys.


Venkateswara Chinni (VR) is an educator, inspirer, and influencer and a legacy planning expert by profession. He founded People Saving People (PSP) in 2010 with an objective of educating, encouraging, and enabling people to save people in the world. 

He is a strong believer of giving back to the community. And he says more than 50% of his life, time, and resources are dedicated to the community and the remaining is for his family!
His passion is to empower youth and encourage them to serve the community. He says, community service is not something you do when you have some free time, it must be part of your life! 

Founding Team

Srinivas Garrepelly
Arjun Chinni
Mahesh Kaila

Regional Awareness Ambassadors

Anu Benakatti

Advisory Board

 Lakshmi Annapurna Paleti

© Copyright 2024 People Saving People 

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